Wynn Rees Consulting
Wynn Rees Consulting is asked to work with staff and managers to enable both to acknowledge their power and potential in a situation.
Power is often the dynamic hidden from view. When individuals are better able to be more effective at:
- resolving conflict together professionally, and
- recognising unproductive interpersonal and intra organisational conflict
Power and power relationships are more likely to be revealed safely.
Focusing on using these softer skills, will enable all to see a clearer way to organisational success through individual action characterised by:
real assertiveness
- speaking plainly and honestly
- being both firm and sensitive, and
- using emotional competence logically
"People love to learn - when they are in a position to choose to do so"
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Teams Need Facilitators
Teams need facilitators from outside from time to time.
The outsider trusted to be honest, can reveal through reflection aspects of a team's
life unrecognised or unacknowledged by the team.
Wynn Rees has worked with many sorts of teams in his career.
From teams who deliver their joint purpose with enthusiasm, and who want to be even more effective together;
To teams whose members feel it is no more than a group, and need to rediscover their direction and reinvigorate their work.
Focusing on the work of the team ensures that teams:
discover, reveal or set their joint goals, and
- see that working better is part of working well.
"People value a means of communication more than access to information"
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